Dental Cleanings for a Lifetime of Dental and Periodontal Health
The dental profession refers to the dental cleaning appointment as a “dental prophylaxis” or “prophy”. It plays the most significant part in prevention of dental disease and it is at this appointment that a full comprehensive oral exam is performed.
The routine dental cleaning should include:
- Personal oral hygiene evaluation, home care review and recommendations
- X-Rays
- Tooth brushing and flossing instructions
- Supra gingival (above the gum) scaling to remove the plaque and tarter from all visible tooth surfaces
- Topical fluoride when indicated
- Polishing the teeth
- Nutrition assessment, if needed
- Periodontal charting and scheduling of additional periodontal care as needed
The dental cleaning is the cornerstone for a lifetime of dental and over all health.
Park Ave Dental Associates' family dental care serves patients needing dental examination cleanings in Cranston, Providence, Johnston, and Warwick RI.